Latest Sightings June 2019

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The "Area Seen" refers to the 10 sections that the Brook has been split into for monitoring purposes (see Wildlife page under Monitoring ).

For what you can expect to see on the Emm this month, click here June

All sightings unless stated are from personal observations by Eddie Napper

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What is this life if full of care , we have no time to stand and stare. W. H. Davies.

29/06/19 A male Barn Owl was seen in Area 10 byCaroline Moore .

28/06/19 A Juvenile Coal Tit was visiting my Area 5 feeders this morning.

27/06/19 On the beach by the Dinton Activity Centre in Area 10 a Common Sandpiper was seen by Fraser Cottington.

24/06/19    Barn Owl Just because you cant get enough of them, 2 Barn Owl were seen leaving the box in Area 10 by Linda Miller. Photo courtesy of Linda Miller.

23/06/19    Barn Owl A juvenile Goldfinch was visiting the Sunflower hearts at my Area 5 garden feeders this morning, another sign of a successful breeding year. A Kestrel , Lapwing and Black Redstart were seen in Area 7 by Paul O'Neill. A Barn Owl was quartering the field adjacent to Lavells Lake in Area 10 seen and photographed by Stephen Power.

22/06/19   Male Chiffchaff A juvenile Coal Tit was visiting the fat feeder in my Area 5 garden this morning. On my way to get the newspaper from Morrisons, both a male Blackcap and male Chiffchaff were heard singing alongside the river.  Male Blackcap . This or another Male Chiffchaff has been singing every day for the last 2 months. A Kestrel was seen over Area 7 by Paul O'Neill.

21/06/19   Male Barn Owl A Male Barn Owl was seen and photographed at the entrance to it’s Box in Area 10 by Geoff Emmett. A Female Blackcap was seen carrying food by the path from the car park field and 2 Swift were seen over Black Swan Lake and the DAC by Richard Marsh. Photo courtesy of Geoff Emmett.

19/06/19 2 House Martin were seen feeding over Ludgrove School in Area 1 at Lunchtime. The male Black Redstart was singing at midday in the big oak on the other side of Queens Road from Bovis homes entrance in Area 7 and a Little Egret flew over seen by Adam Bassett.

18/06/19 Over my Area 5 garden a solitary Swift was feeding.The first seen for quite a while.

17/06/19 In Area 10 over the car park field a Common Buzzard was pursued by at least 150 Corvids mainly Jackdaws seen by Richard Marsh.

16/06/19 The male Black Redstart was seen again by Paul O'Neill at the new Bovis devlopment off Queens Road in Area 7, also seen by Paul was a Little Egret in the Ashridge Stream at Toutley Road. In Area 1 between the rain showers by Ludgrove School a Little Owl was heard calling ,3 Swallow were feeding in the Cow fields, Buzzard and Red Kite were enjoying the thermals. In the fields Carrion Crow , Jackdaw and Rook were all feeding benefitting from the softer ground. 3 Canada Goose and a Stock Dove were also in the field.

13/06/19   Little Egret At Old Forest Meadows in Area 8 a Little Egret , Magpie and Carrion Crow were all feeding in a flooded corner of the field. A male Whitethroat and Chiffchaff were singing from the bushes and a Red Kite was gliding over the reserve. The male Black Redstart was seen again early in the morning by Ralph Watts at the new Bovis devlopment off Queens Road in Area 7.


09/06/19 At 05:17 a male Cuckoo was calling over Area 5 to the rear of Morrisons. In Area 7 a Grey Wagtail was seen at the new Bovis devlopment in Area 7, along with a Kestrel , the male Black Redstart was still singing and a Little Ringed Plover was seen flying around by John Morgan.

08/06/19 The male Black Redstart was still singing and seen at the new Bovis devlopment in Area 7, along with a Kestrel by Finley Hutchinson.

07/06/19 Another sign of breeding success was a juvenile Robin popping down to my garden feeders this morning.The male Black Redstart was still singing and seen at the new Bovis devlopment in Area 7, early morning by Paul O'Neill and 2 Swallow were seen feeding over the grass in Area 1 in the Cow field at Ludgrove despite the rain.

06/06/19 The male Black Redstart was heard singing and seen at the new Bovis devlopment in Area 7, early morning by Paul Bright Thomas.

04/06/19   Black-headed Gull A visit was made to Heathlake in Area 1. Once again it was very quiet. Seen were a solitary Black-headed Gull , Great crested Grebe , Coot , Grey Heron and a pair of Mute Swan with 6 cygnets. The male Black Redstart was seen again early in the morning before the Construction site started work on scaffolding by Gary Randell at the new Bovis devlopment in Area 7.

03/06/19 The male Black Redstart was seen again early in the morning on rooftops at the new Bovis devlopment in Area 7 and a Little Egret was fishing in the Emm Brook near the Area 10 play area at Dinton Pastures by Bob Bennett.

02/06/19   Black Redstart Another month and another first for the FOTEB list, a male Black Redstart was heard singing and seen on rooftops at the new Bovis devlopment in Area 7, found by Paul O'Neill. Photo courtesy of Andy Tomczynski. 2 Swift were also seen flying overhead. A Little Egret was seen feeding in the Emm Brook at Toutley bridge on Old Forest Road and in Area 10 and a Coal Tit was heard calling near the Activity Centre by Fraser Cottington.

01/06/19 A Lesser Whitethroat was heard singing on Old Forest Road in Area 8 by Paul O'Neill.


29/06/19   Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar Seen on a TVERC Field trip across the Area 10 "Old Golf Course today in the blistering heat were Marbled White Melanargia galathea, Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus and Painted Lady Vanessa cardui Butterflies. All new for the year.  Meadow Brown  Lots of Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina were also seen. This now brings the list to 20 Species. Also seen on Ragwort were the caterpillar of the Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae Moth.

27/06/19 The first Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus Butterfly of the year was seen in the Car Park Field in Area 10.

26/06/19   Green Shieldbug In Area 10 a Common Green Shieldbug Palomena prasina was basking on the vegetation by the Dinton Activity Centre.

24/06/19   Red Admiral  In Area 1 the first Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta Butterfly of the year was seen, meanwhile in Area 10 the first Large White Pieris brassicae was seen. This brings the Year total to 16 species.

23/06/19   Marbled Coronet  The Moth trap was out overnight in my Area 5 garden. The light lured in 50 Moths of 18 species. The highlights of what was seen, recorded and then released were 10 Heart and Dart Agrotis exclamationis ,a Marbled Coronet Hadena confusa,  Brimstone  2 Brimstone Opisthograptis luteolata . The Brimstone is an unmistakeable yellow moth with chestnut-brown markings on the tips and along the leading edge of the forewings. They also have a white crescent or dash near to the leading forewing edge.They can frequently be seen on the wing just before dusk and they are regularly attracted to light.  Beautiful Hook tip  Beautiful Hook tip Laspeyria flexula , Green Pug Pasiphila rectangulata ,   Small Magpie  Small Magpie Anania hortulata , the Small Magpie is common, easily disturbed by day and often attracted to light.The caterpillar feeds from a rolled or spun leaf in August and September before spending the winter in a tough silk cocoon in a hollow stem or under the bark. Without further feeding, pupation occurs in the following May in the same cocoon. 6 Dark Arches Apamea monoglypha , Blotched Emerald Comibaena bajularia and a Least Carpet Idaea rusticata .

21/06/19   Comma  On the Riverside vegetation this morning were Comma Polygonia c-album and Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria Butterflies. Also seen was the Tree Bummblebee Bombus hypnorum. The Tree bumblebee is a recent addition to the UK’s fauna.   Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum has a natural distribution in mainland Europe, through Asia and up to the Arctic Circle. It was first found in the UK in 2001 in Wiltshire. It must have arrived here from mainland Europe, where its natural distribution range has also expanded. In Great Britain it has spread rapidly .Near the Weir pool quite high in the trees was a Female Emperor Dragonfly Anax imperator  Female Emperor Dragonfly  On the Nettles was the magnificent Longhorn Beetle Rutpela maculata  Rutpela maculata This is a large but well-marked longhorn beetle with a variable pattern of black and yellow markings. Peacock Butterfly Caterpillar  Also on the Nettles were the Caterpillars of the Peacock Aglais io Butterfly

20/06/19   Summer Chafer   Most appropriately on the official start of Summer on drawing back my lounge curtains this morning a Summer Chafer Amphimallon solstitiale was found clinging to the curtains.Walking to work this morning through Area 5 the hoverfly Volucella bombylans was seen.   Volucella bombylans This hoverfly is an excellent mimic of a bumblebee and is found throughout most of the UK. Its large size, distinctive pattern and plumed antennae make it relatively easy to identify. Also seen was a Speckled Wood Amphimallon solstitiale Butterfly and the pupal stage of the Harlequin Ladybird Harmonia axyridis .   Harlequin Ladybird Pupa Harlequin ladybird pupa like other ladybird pupa is immobile and can often be found attached to plants. It is rotund and about 8mm in diameter. The pupae are dark in colour with some orange/red markings.

19/06/19   Volucella pellucens   Another lunchtime visit to the car park field in Area 10 off Sandford Lane, where one of the large summer hoverflies Volucella pellucens was sitting in the sun on vegetation . At the other end of the scale   Sphaerophoria scripta   the tiny Long Hoverfly Sphaerophoria scripta hoverfly was resting on the flowers of Meadow Buttercup.Seen an awful lot at the moment are the larva of Harlequin Ladybird Harmonia axyridis   Harlequin Ladybird Larva   Harlequin ladybird larvae are black and orange reaching up to about 1cm (½in) in length. They also feed on aphids and other insects. Ladybird larvae all generally have the same elongate body shape and most are black or dark grey. Some have yellow or orange markings and some have hairs or spikes. The harlequin larvae is characterised by having two orange stripes and being spikey. Also seen was 2 Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina Butterflies and a male Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris  Small Skipper  Despite its name, 4 skipper species found in the British Isles are the same size or smaller than the Small Skipper. The male is distinguished from the female by the sex brand on its forewings, which is a slightly curved line of specialised scent scales.

17/06/19   Dark Bush Cricket nymph   In Area 10 at lunchtime near the Junior Rangers Area, alongside the Emm by the main car park, the Nettles were inspected. This paid dividends with the first Dark Bush Cricket Pholidoptera griseoaptera nymph of the year seen on the lower vegetation.   Harlequin Ladybird   Also seen were Flesh Fly Sarcophaga sp , 7 Spot Ladybird Coccinella septempunctata and Harlequin Ladybird Harmonia axyridis .

16/06/19   Scorpion Fly   The Insects came out in Area 1, between the showers, a Scorpion Fly Panorpa communis was on the Nettle leaves along with the day flying Nettle Tap Moth Anthophila fabriciana.  Nettle Tap Moth   The Scorpion Fly is a strange-looking insect that is found in gardens and hedgerows, and along woodland edges, particularly among Stinging Nettles and Bramble. It has a long, beak-like projection from its head that is uses to feed. It scavenges on dead insects and frequently steals the contents of spiders' webs.

14/06/19   Striped Oak Bug  The overnight rain stopped and finally the sun came out. In a visit to Area 10, Damselflies were back on the wing , Large Red Damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula and Common Blue Damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum appeared to be everywhere. In the trees at the edge of the Car park field the very striking Striped Oak Bug Calocoris striatellus was as expected on Oak.  Chrysotoxum bicinctum  Also seen was the Hoverfly Chrysotoxum bicinctum .This is a very distinctive species with its two yellow bands, the chocolate wing patches and the long, forward pointing antennae.What is believed to be the Ichneumon Wasp Ichneumon stramentor was also seen.

13/06/19   Buff-tailed Bumblebee Another mostly dull day, after seemingly days of endless rain, conditions that may seem not so good for finding insects, which is true, but if you find them they are much less active and so easier to see well. On such days insects will often be found sitting in the open in the hope that the sun will come out and enable them to warm up enough to become active. In Area 8 at Old Forest Road Meadows a very wet looking Buff-tailed Bumblebee Bombus terrestris was sitting on the flowers of an Umbellifer.

06/06/19   Common Blue(Female) In Area 9 at Blackberry Gardens a female Common Blue Polyommatus icarus Butterfly was seen. Also seen was my first Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina Butterfly of the year. This brings the total Butterfly species seen this year to 13.

02/06/19 Damselflies to be seen around the Area 5 pond today included Large Red Damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula and Common Blue Damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum .

01/06/19   Alabonia geofrella In Area 10 , the day flying moth Alabonia geofrella was seen on Nettles.

Plants/ Trees

28/06/19  Field Bindweed In the car park field in Area 10, Field Bindweed Convolvulus arvensis is on the bund around the car park.

26/06/19   Hazel  By the Dinton Activity Centre in Area 10 the fruits of the Hazel Corylus avellana can be seen.

24/06/19   Cornflower  At Winnersh Meadows in Area 9 off Bluebell Meadows a solitary Cornflower Sonchus asper was with the Red Campion Silene dioica, White Campion Silene latifolia and Ox-eye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare .

17/06/19   Prickly Sow-Thistle Near the Junior Rangers Area, alongside the Emm by the main car park in Area 10 Prickly Sow-Thistle Sonchus asper is in the riverside Vegetation.

16/06/19   WildFlower Meadow In a Wild Flower Meadow in Area 1 a mixture of Ox-eye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare , Red Campion Silene dioica and Foxglove Digitalis purpurea are all putting on a magnificent disolay.   Foxglove Originally Foxglove was referred to as folksglove, which was a reference to fairies because of the plants grow in woodland. The ‘glove’ part of their name was simply due to the flowers looking like glove fingers.   Dog Rose Just down the track are numerous Dog Rose Rosa canina. One of the most beautiful signs of approaching summer is the sight of the dog rose in flower.

02/06/19 Around the edges of the Area 5 pond are currently, Yellow Flag Iris Iris pseudacorus , Ragged Robin Lychnis flos-cuculi , White Campion Silene latifolia , Ox-eye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare and Red Clover Trifolium pratense all in flower.

Other Wildlife

Amphibians and Reptiles

02/06/19 Near the edge of the Area 5 pond today small Common Frog Rana temporaria were hopping through the grass.


22/06/19   Hedgehog A European Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus was caught on camera in my Area 5 garden running up the path.

14/06/19   Grey squirrel At my Area 5 garden feeders the Grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis appears to have returned.

13/06/19   Female Roe Deer In Area 8 at Old Forest Meadows a Female Roe Deer Capreolus capreolus was seen in the shrubbery to the rear of Monkey Mates.

07/06/19 A Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus was seen running around the patio in my Area 5 garden.

03/06/19 A European Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus is still making nightly visits to my Area 5 garden.


22/06/19   White-lipped Snail On the riverside vegetation in Area 5 a White-lipped Snail Cepaea hortensis was seen.

13/06/19   Black Slug Following the rain several Black Slug Arion ater were seen, slowly slugging across the paths in the area 8 at Old Forest Meadows It all looked a bit painfull .

